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The claimant is not required to prove that the content of the

The claimant is not required to prove that the content of the

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iPhone Cases Critics of the Act point out that while divorce is within the purview of personal laws, maintenance is not, and thus it is discriminatory to exclude Muslim women from a civil law. Exclusion of non Muslim men from a law that appears inherently beneficial to men is also pointed out by them.[1] Hindu nationalists have repeatedly contended that a separate Muslim code is tantamount to preferential treatment and demanded a uniform civil code.[29]The Act has led to Muslim women receiving a large, one time payment[1] from their husbands during the period of iddat, instead of a maximum monthly payment of 500 an upper limit which has since been removed. Cases of women getting lump sum payments for lifetime maintenance are becoming common.[9] However it is seen that despite its unique feature of no ceiling on quantum of maintenance, the Act is sparingly used because of the lack of its knowledge even among lawyers. iPhone Cases

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